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If you are unfamiliar with the term, gross motor skills are those skills that require the use of core stabilising muscles and tend to involve whole body movement. These are skills that are required throughout life so therefore gross motor development is essential. It is required for simple tasks such as standing and walking as well as sitting up straight in a chair or riding a bike. Hand-eye coordination is a gross motor skill but is often included when discussing both fine and gross motor skills.

It is hard over emphasise the importance that gross motor skills play in our life. These are skills that are required when we are children but also as we move into adulthood. As a result, gross motor skills toys play a vital role in our gross motor development. Gross motor skills are required when it comes to performing everyday tasks such as walking, skills required during play such as climbing as well as being essential when it comes to sport. They also form part of day to day self-care skills such as standing to put clothes on or getting out of bed.

Gross motor development and developing fine and gross motor skills have a huge influence on our everyday lives. Toys that help to promote good balance are fantastic and lots of fun. Whilst toys that encourage proper posture will also help to develop your child’s fine motor skills such as colouring and writing. As you can see, these gross motor skills will play a role in your child’s academic success.

Consider the activities that your child will need to do on a daily basis when they are at school. They will need to move around, sit up at a desk and probably carry a school heavy bag. Gross motor skills toys will help your child to navigate around their environment and cope with sloped play areas as well as getting on and off escalators. Without adequate gross motor skills, your child will find many day to day tasks challenging.

How do you know if your child is lacking gross motor development? A common indicator is that they will try to avoid or lack interest in any physical tasks. They may also rush these tasks in order to hide that they find them challenging. They may also have behavioural problems when they find something too difficult or be overly bossy or controlling when telling other children how tasks should be performed. Typically this is games that they don’t actively engage in themselves.

Here at Sister Sensory, we have a wide range of toys that can help develop your child’s fine and gross motor skills. Our gross motor skills toys are designed for children of different ages with the objective of improving your child’s gross motor development. Our trained team will be able to offer you helpful, friendly advice if it is required.

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