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Calming Kids

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Calming kits support self-awareness, self-regulation, and social-emotional development in neurodiverse and neurotypical children. Behaviour self-management is a critical foundation for success in school and life, and many children struggle with managing their emotions.

It is common for young children to experience big emotions. When they are young, children can lack the vocabulary and skills to articulate and manage their emotions effectively, resulting in tantrums or meltdowns. These outbursts can be disruptive at home, in social situations, and the classroom environment. Our range of calming kits provides toys and tools to help children positively manage their emotions. From calm-down flashcards and puzzles to flip books and comforting pillows, our products will help lessen childhood anxiety and stress.

Children who experience stress and anxiety often find it challenging to establish and build relationships, interact positively with peers, and be open to learning and curiosity. Our calm kids’ sensory products help children understand feelings, ask for help, and self-regulate heightened emotional responses.

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